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How to create a mail group outlook

12 Oct 2024

How to create a mail group outlook

1.Open Outlook: Launch Outlook on your computer.

2.Navigate to Home: Go to the Home tab.

3.Create Priyo Mail New Group: Select “New Group” from the ribbon.

4.Fill Out Group Information:

  • Group Name: Enter a name for your group.
  • Description: Optionally, add a description to explain the group’s purpose.
  • Classification: Choose a classification if your organization uses them.
  • Privacy: Decide if the group should be Public (anyone in your organization can join) or Private (membership requires approval).
  • Send Group Conversations to Inboxes: Optionally, check this box to send all group conversations and events to members’ inboxes.

5.Create: Click “Create” to finalize the group.

If you need to create a contact U-mail group (distribution list) instead, follow these steps:

  • Go to People: On the Navigation bar, choose People.
  • New Contact Group: Select “Home” > “New Contact Group”.
  • Name the Group: Type a name for the group.
  • Add Members: Select “Add Members” and choose from Outlook Contacts, Address Book, or create a new email contact.
  • Save: Click "Save & Close".

What's the difference between a mail group and a contact group?

Mail Group (Office 365 Group)

  • Purpose: Designed for collaboration, allowing group members to share conversations, files, and calendars.
  • Features: Includes a shared mailbox, calendar, file storage (via SharePoint), and OneNote notebook.
  • Privacy Options: Can be set to public or private.
  • Access: Members can access group resources from Outlook, Outlook on the web, and mobile apps.
  • Use Case: Ideal for project teams, departments, or any group needing ongoing collaboration.

Contact Group (Distribution List)

  • Purpose: Simplifies sending emails to multiple people at once by grouping their email addresses.
  • Features: Only includes email addresses; no shared resources like calendars or files.
  • Privacy Options: Not applicable as it’s just a list of contacts.
  • Access: Managed within Outlook; members receive emails sent to the group.
  • Use Case: Perfect for sending newsletters, announcements, or any email to a specific list of recipients.

Can I convert a mail group to a contact group?

Open Outlook : Launch Outlook on your computer.

Go to People: On the Navigation bar, choose People.

Create New Contact Group : Select “Home” > “New Contact Group”.

Name the Group: Type a name for your new contact group.

Add Members:

  • Select “Add Members” > “From Address Book”.
  • Search for and select the members of your mail group.
  • Click “Members” to add them to the contact group.

Save: Click “Save & Close”.

How do I manage members in a contact group?

Adding Members to a Contact Group

Open Outlook: Launch Outlook on your computer.

Go to People: On the Navigation bar, choose People.

Find the Contact Group: Locate the contact group you want to edit.

Edit Group: Double-click the contact group to open it.

Add Members:

  • Click “Add Members” in the ribbon.
  • Choose “From Outlook Contacts”, “From Address Book”, or “New E-mail Contact”.
  • Select or enter the email addresses you want to add.

Save: Click “Save & Close” to update the group.

Removing Members from a Contact Group

Open Outlook: Launch Outlook on your computer.

Go to People: On the Navigation bar, choose People.

Find the Contact Group: Locate the contact group you want to edit.

Edit Group: Double-click the contact group to open it.

Remove Members:

  • Select the member you want to remove.
  • Click “Remove Member” in the ribbon.

Save: Click “Save & Close” to update the group.

Additional Tips

  • Rename the Group: If needed, you can change the name of the contact group by editing the “Name” field.
  • Update Contact Information: Ensure all email addresses are up-to-date to avoid delivery issues.